Political Bureaucracy Violating U.S. Citizens Required Humanitarian Needs

The U.S. Government, International Corporate Business Owners are concerned with Only $$$$$$$$

Humanitarian Right’s Violations –  Against “Chronically Homeless Medically Ill Citizens” 


It’s hard in this day in age, to really believe a word that comes out of any of our politicians mouths. There’s so much corruption in the U.S. Government, Federal Agencies, Corporations, Organizations, Wall Street, IMF, Technology, Agriculture, Environmental Industry, Judicial and Healthcare systems, it’s ridiculous there is no trust or honesty anywhere in our Federal Government leaders. It’s time for all Americans to come to a realization that the United States is a “Socio-Economic Disaster Area” that must be fixed immediately, for the good of the American people!

Recently, our research consisted of investigating the crisis into America’s ‘ Chronic Homeless Epidemic’ the U.S. Government is keeping hidden, boosting economic growth, and unemployment numbers which are fallacies. These higher ups are living in their million dollar “Bubbles” and making “Deadly Decisions for the American people or lack thereof; and these Government officials have the slightest clue about the “Real world humanitarian nightmare” millions of Middle-Income, and Poor Citizens are experiencing on the “Lower Economic Level!’

Does anyone not realize what goes on in the dark always comes to light. Sometimes all it takes is ‘A Voice, real world experience’s, education and plain common sense’ to figure out there’s a serious problem in our society.

“When speaking with,” Federal, State and local government representatives, about the medically ill and other disabled, elderly citizens whom are currently chronically homeless in a the United States for periods between 1 – 3yrs. It was disturbing to find out there’s no help for citizens of the United States in need of desperate economical help. The age ranges of the “Chronic Homeless Epidemic,” in the U.S. varies from the elderly, middle-aged, and children.

“Many citizens as well as myself,” are frustrated with the U.S. Federal Government leaders who’s allowing ‘Political Bureaucracy” to stand in the way of saving human lives in America! These entities don’t realize good standing ‘American Citizens’ who previously worked hard paid their  taxes faithfully, are also being denied any help or support if they become chronically homeless due to a sudden medical or non-medical illnesses. What are U.S. citizens paying taxes for?

The more frustrating part comes into play, when you try contacting these agencies for any help. Here’s some barriers you’ll  face when you contact any agency on the Federal, State or Local government levels. You’ll have a hard time getting insurance if your medically ill and unemployed, You’ll be unable to seek proper medical treatment due to being uninsured, You’ll be subjected to taking radiation treatments for your cancer while living in a hotel and you can’t afford it, You’ll need multiple surgeries and living in hotel and can’t afford it, You’ll apply for SSI/Disability 2 – 3x and be “Denied” although you’ve given the Social Security Administration medical, doctor, and homeless certificate proof, You’ll be denied rental assistance HUD, Public Housing, on State/Local levels due to lack of State/Local funding and 3yr. housing waiting lists, You’ll be discharged from multiple hospitals homeless and medically ill, You’ll find your State/Local/and Non-Profit Organizations do not have any resources available for medically disabled citizens, including Veterans, You’ll find your Emergency Hotline for local citizens doesn’t have any current homeless referrals due to again, lack of funding.

“When investigating we also found,” when you contact Federal/State/Local Government agencies you’ll be put into a “Whirl-Pool’ of transferred “Non-helpful phone calls,” which your lucky if you get a call back or a email response. You’ll be given multiple contact numbers on the “Federal level” for the State and Local Community level, which also are all dead end phone calls, each blaming the United States Economic problems on one another. It gets better America “No agency” on any level will accept responsibility for the “Broken” Public Assistance Programs in the United States all American Citizens require for their family’s basic “Humanitarian Needs!”

If people of the United States are “Chronically Homeless” this distinctively means basic humanitarian needs are not being met for the American people. Which is a direct violation of our “Constitutional rights.” The right to health encompasses not only health care but also the underlying determinants of health such as adequate sanitation and safe drinking water and adequate housing!

The right to health is “an inclusive right extending not only to timely and appropriate health care but also to the underlying determinants of health, such as access to safe and potable water and adequate sanitation, an adequate supply of safe food, nutrition and housing, healthy occupational and environmental conditions, and access to health-related education and information” – Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights– http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/ESCR/Pages/Health.aspx

The right to have your health intersects with many issues, including Disease, Disability, Job Loss, Housing and Financial stability. If a citizens health is failing and they aren’t being provided basic “Humanitarian Needs” (Required By Law), this makes it virtually impossible for a human being to live a normal life which is a direct violation of there ‘Human Rights!’

The Federal/State/Local Agencies are denying millions of United States Citizens there basic ‘Humanitarian Needs’ to live a normal healthy safe life. If citizens of ‘America’ getting their basic humanitarian needs met! It’s time for immediate “Government Action” or “Immediate U.S. Citizens Action” –  Against Federal, State and Local Governments for not providing citizens with basic “Humanitarian” needs!

Per the United Nations State’s and Governments are to adhere to the following “Humanitarian Needs For All Citizens”

United States Human Rights Violations Against The American People
United States Human Rights Violations Against The American People

What are human rights?

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.

Universal human rights are often expressed and guaranteed by law, in the forms of treaties, customary international law , general principles and other sources of international law. International human rights law lays down obligations of Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups.

Interdependent and indivisible

All human rights are indivisible, whether they are civil and political rights, such as the right to life, equality before the law and freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to work, social security and education , or collective rights, such as the rights to development and self-determination, are indivisible, interrelated and interdependent. The improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the others. Likewise, the deprivation of one right adversely affects the others.

Both Rights and Obligations

Human rights entail both rights and obligations. States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfil human rights. The obligation to respect means that States must refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment of human rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. The obligation to fulfill means that States must take positive action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic human rights. At the individual level, while we are entitled our human rights, we should also respect the human rights of others.

America, there is no help or support in the United State’s so it’s up to the American people to demand our Humanitarian Rights for our Family’s safe, health and well-being! We must ensure all basic humanitarian needs are being met whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equal, bleed red blood, and entitled to our human rights without discrimination or unfair treatment due to “Political Bureaucracy.”

Thank you for taking the time to read! Check Out: http://www.consumer2savlives.com view ‘CABIRI’s “Luv Thy Neighbor project” that will help bring your local community organizations, churches and citizens together which will ensure all community citizens basic needs are being met, leaving no family behind.

* America maybe it’s time for the ‘American People’ to request adjustments in the U.S. Government laws! As per our prior “Fore Fathers” if the United States Government is not working for the American people, the people have the authority and power to make changes! Although, in this day and age American citizens will face “Military Style Police Resistance” for fighting for basic “Human Rights!”

Political Solution: What if politicians and government leaders were required to live in the “Real World” for a period of 6 months to a year before they can run for office. It’s important for Political leaders to get a taste of what it’s like to live a normal life without wealth. Maybe this will help ‘Leaders’ become more compassionate about another human life, and it also may help them understand what it’s like to live as a regular white-collar or blue-collar citizen. The “Real World” stipulation will ensure all elected officials will be working hard for the American people not “Corporations” or to line their own “Pockets.”


Freelance Business Research For America


America not immune to human rights violations – http://www.vanguardngr.com/2014/09/america-immune-human-rights-violations/


UN Condemns America on Human Rights’ Violations – http://thesovereigninvestor.com/asset-protection/un-condemns-america-human-rights-violations/

Uncle Sam is Driving Americans to Let Go of Their Citizenship – http://thesovereigninvestor.com/asset-protection/expatriate-taxation-laws-driving-americans-let-go-citizenship/

WORLD REPORT 2014 – http://www.hrw.org/world-report/2014/country-chapters/united-states

Florida Corruption = Rick Scott & Leaders

Palm Beach County System Flaws

1. Lack of Homeless Shelters Rehabilitation Assistance Programs for Women & Children – 10yr. Homeless Program Adopted by Palm Beach County – No return phone calls lack of shelter, funding etc. W.P.B. Mayor blames county for homeless crisis! County we have no $$!

2.No family orientated transitional monitoring faith based 12 Step Treatment/Substance Abuse/alcohol programs – Separate from court order drug program, half way houses, pre-trial intervention.

3.United States Census For Palm Beach County – Omits Statistical Information for White Owned Firms – Includes Black, Asia, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Native-America, Latino, and Women
http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/12/12099.html & Omits PBC male percentage, No account of PBC Foreign Citizens Visa statuses

4. No Immediate Temporary Disability and/or Medical Insurance for unknown medical emergencies extending over a 6mth period of time.

5. Lack of Shore Security – Via Waterways – preventing drug smuggling and human trafficking, or non-monitoring of foreign visitors docking for long periods of time.

6. Lack of auditing and monitoring local Governments, organizations, political leaders, who are accountable, and responsible for other human lives – Current Governor Health Con-Artist himself!

7. Lack of affordable Housing for Veterans, Elderly, Single-Parent Mothers, & the Medically Ill

8. Lack of International Educational Programs – Assisting International children and families with English, History, Laws, Schooling, etc.,

9. Debt to Income Ratio Inequality – Poverty – Hidden Homelessness Crisis in Florida

10. Outdated Programs listed as services – Stating available for assistance when in fact their not.

11. UN Condemns U.S. Police Brutality, Calls For ‘Stand Your Ground’ Review – Florida has a bad case of racial profiling

12. HUD RELEASES JULY 2014 HOUSING SCORECARD – “The market indicators for the housing market recovery were mixed in July as foreclosure filings continue to improve, but home sales, particularly for new homes, showed unexpected weakness,” said HUD Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research Katherine O’Regan. http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/press/press_releases_media_advisories/2014/HUDNo_14-097
13. Rehabilitate or punish? – Psychologists are not only providing treatment to prisoners; they’re also contributing to debate over the nature of prison itself. http://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug03/rehab.aspx
Palm Beach Post Article: Posted: 6:51 a.m. Monday, July 2, 2012
By Sonja Isger and Jennifer Sorentrue
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

After more than a decade of planning, Palm Beach County will open its center for the homeless today.
It is the first time that the county’s homeless have had a single place to go for shelter, medical care, job training and other social services.

Although a handful of local charities and churches have always helped the homeless with emergency shelter, meals and job training, the county has lacked a central place for the homeless to go to easily navigate those services.

Homeless advocates say the center’s opening is the culmination of a perfect set of circumstances — a county commissioner advocating the project; a partnership between the county and nonprofits working with the homeless; and $8.5 million in federal grant money. What happened to the funding, who monitors and disburses has federal funding disbursement went toward homelessness assistance? If so why has homelessness increased in the Palm Beach County area.
“Everything came together,” said Marilyn Munoz, Executive Director of the county’s Homeless Coalition.

County commissioners first talked about providing an emergency shelter for the homeless in 2001, when former Commissioner Addie Greene formed a task force to help craft the plan.
But the next year, Greene said that the shelter should no longer be the task force’s top priority, acknowledging that political pressure from other commissioners had persuaded her to change her mind. Many worried about finding a location for the facility and complained that they would simply be “warehousing” the homeless.

Greene’s decision came after the county’s director of human services issued a report in 2002 saying that building a shelter for the homeless would be “cost prohibitive.” Instead, the director said he wanted more money for social workers to provide counseling for homeless people. He also said he would pay for more room nights and motels and halfway houses for the homeless while the social workers worked to find permanent help.
“In the beginning, (county managers) sort of encouraged you not to build permanent shelters,” said Commissioner Karen Marcus, who was first elected to the board in 1984. “It was, ‘if you start building them, you are actually going to get more homeless.”
By 2005 the county had partnered with CARP, Inc., which stands for Comprehensive Alcoholism Rehabilitation Programs, to help fund a 16-bed Homeless Residential Assessment Center at CARP’s campus in West Palm Beach.

But advocates kept pushing for a county-owned facility.

Meanwhile, an impromptu homeless shelter at Westgate Tabernacle in suburban West Palm Beach was drawing attention to the county’s growing homeless problem. The tabernacle drew the ire of county officials for opening its own shelter to house as many as 150 people a night. County officials argued that the shelter violated both fire code and zoning laws.

The tabernacle sued the county in 2007 and 2009, seeking relief from the fines. It argued that county officials had denied the homeless problem existed.
At the same time, then-Commissioner Jeff Koons was urging the commission and county administrators to address the county’s homeless problem. Working with nonprofits, he ultimately helped establish a homeless advisory board, responsible for crafting a 10-year plan to end homelessness in the county.

Koons resigned from the commission in 2010 amid an extortion scandal and was sentenced to five years’ probation but has since returned to advocating for the homeless. In an interview Thursday, he recalled urging advocates for the homeless to talk to commissioners about the county’s problem.
“I’d tell people whenever you bump into a commissioner, tell them how proud you are that they are working on homelessness,” Koons said.

The resource center became a critical piece of the 10-year plan, which was approved by the commission in 2008.

“Without Jeff Koons pushing it, I don’t know that it would have gotten this far,” Marcus said of the center. “It just became a real priority for him. He reached out to all the providers.”

Homeless in Palm Beach County
• A 2011 count found there were 3,228 homeless people in Palm Beach County.
• In county schools this year, there were 1,590 students between the ages of 5 and 17 who were considered homeless or in danger of becoming homeless.
• Fifty-six percent of the students in the county’s school system qualify for free or reduced-cost lunches.
• The leading causes of homelessness in the county are unemployment and lack of affordable housing, officials say.
• The county’s homeless outreach team placed 1,423 adults in emergency shelter last year.
Homeless Resource Center
Cost: $9.2 million
Location: 1000 45th St., West Palm Beach
Capacity: 60 beds, opening in three phases; 20 beds will open July 2; 20 beds will open Oct. 1; and 20 beds will open by Jan. 2. (non – existing)

Operation: Palm Beach County has contracted with three local nonprofits to run the facility and provide the social services. The county’s homeless outreach team will also be based at the center.

Lead operator: Gulfstream Goodwill Industries, responsible for overseeing the on-site interim housing and providing individual housing placement. (2013 No Services Available for homeless)

Adopt-A-Family: Will help families find services and housing. (2013 No services available)

The Lord’s Place: Will help refer people to the center and will provide employment and life skills services. (2013 No services available)

Lewis Center – (No services Available)

Homeless coalition – No return phone call – Governors R. Scott office – We can’t help you we have no $$ (How can you trust a man who’s had previous healthcare fraud, to do right by his citizens?)
Medical services: Staff from the county’s health department will provide on-site medical service.

Report: Heroin epidemic in South Florida -The problem has become an epidemic, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in the aftermath of the crackdown on pill mills that dispensed high-potency painkillers. By Dan Christensen – BrowardBulldog.org –

U.S. Healthcare Hell – Woman Faints In Florida Office Applying For Healthcare

Woman Faints Waiting For Medical Insurance – Palm Beach County – Healthcare District

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Healthcare Hell In America costing lives

The following is a story, about dangerous’Healthcare’ debacle’s in America concerning hospitals where I personally received treatment from on 13 separate occasions undergoing 6 surgeries, and ironically still currently going through constant life-threatening medical issues pre and post hysterectomy and other medical concerns where I could of lost my life at any given moment!

While all healthcare agencies, organizations, hospitals, politicians, doctors, and many healthcare leaders and decision makers sat around, and did nothing to acknowledge any of my life-threatening severe medical issue’s.

Attacks against U.S. women is currently occurring and no political figure, corporation or top 1% cares if “Women” live or die in America, so please be careful on who you vote for it may be the difference between your “life or death.

World pharmaceutical greed, corruption, and Healthcare political bureaucracy, has millions of Floridians and many U.S. citizens currently uninsured, requiring medical attention! My story proves they don’t care about your health!

It’s not rocket science people “Come On” if people aren’t receiving proper healthcare, this could be very well construed as direct violations of humanitarian rights, by not receiving proper, safe, medical treatment.

All Americans must ask themselves; Why are there so many problems in the United States healthcare industry? and..Who can citizens really trust with their health, safety and well-being? Why are there still currently thousands of “uninsured citizens” in the “State of Florida,” and elsewhere whom are in desperate need of life-saving medical attention, just as my personal “healthcare hell,” which is ongoing!

Currently I reside in West palm beach, Fl area and I don’t have any healthcare insurance, due to not having a proper residence or mailing address, which ironically was caused by my excessive hospital visits from 2012 up until recently.

As a woman who’s been at the bottom dealing with this “Healthcare Hell” in America, this has been a living nightmare, and trust and believe out of 2 years of fighting the Healthcare system in America, and Florida, no political figure or any other leader cares about a human life, let alone a woman’s life!

I’ve been fighting for immediate Healthcare re-certification to receive healthcare coverage for additional surgery and a needed mammogram. My life is currently at a stand still and in the hands of a faulty re-certification system at the Healthcare District of Palm Beach County! The ordeal left me lethargic passed out on a cement restroom floor with a elevated B.P. of 229/108 and more bodily injuries.

Currently, I’m unable to receive proper medical treatment that’s been ongoing since 2012, due to lack of medical insurance, although previously insured by the Health Care District of Palm Beach County a few months prior!

Several hospitals and ER rooms provided me with minimal treatment due to my lack of insurance, referring me to my primary care doctor and others, along with providing prescriptions for my dangerously high hypertension, after giving a B.P. injection to lower my B.P. while I was in the E.R., then soon after came my discharge papers! Amazingly, no healthcare professional directly addressed the root cause of my medical problems that landed me into the E.R. They gave me a band-aid and brushed me off like my life didn’t matter!

Getting discharged by both doctor and hospital was a slap in the face, when they all knew very well I had no medical insurance for follow up or prescriptions, none of the so-called caring compassionate, nurses, doctors, or hospital staff seemed to care! I thought to myself how can you discharge a “High Risk” re-occurring patient knowing they don’t have access to follow up healthcare, and they could die?

Now get this one my initial healthcare district insurance coverage was first activated February 2013, due to the persistence of my doctors office at the time who phoned the Healthcare District Management office and explained, to them I was there new patient and in need of immediate surgery and I really needed medical coverage for surgery. At that time of course the Healthcare District approved my medical coverage from 2/2013 – 3/2014 under option 1. Unknowingly months later post-surgery, I started having additional medical complications that landed me right back into the hospital in 2014.

Currently I’m still undergoing life-threatening medical problems stemming back from 2012! Due to recent life-threatening medical problems from previous surgeries that went unexplained, and now new cancerous concerns, where I’ve recently visited 3 ER rooms and hospitalized 2 times in the month of 6/2014, recent as 9/30/2014, each visit uninsured!

When I phoned the Healthcare District of f Palm Beach County in 6/2014, after being released from the hospital, they explained to me my coverage was dropped due to my “lack of response” from there office mailing my re-certification information to a previous incorrect address, where I’d been evicted 2 weeks after my 5th major surgery 8/2013, which was the start of my homelessness being uninsured, and after 8 months of hospital visits and 5 surgeries.

Now October 2014, I’m currently experiencing more life-threatening medical problems that need to be immediately addressed. So with no insurance, and being afraid for my life possibly having cancer. In a recent visit the ER doctor at Wellington Regional suggested; if I was hospitalized multiple times in the West Palm Beach area and still having medical problems maybe it was time to go out of the “State” and seek proper medical attention elsewhere! Surprisingly, this was not the first time I was told this, “many organizations stated,” this when I was seeking homelessness help and additional medical help! This doesn’t speak well of Florida!

Relocating as some wished me to do was virtually impossible, due to my extensive ongoing medical trauma’s and multiple surgeries it made no sense to leave and start my medical problems over elsewhere? I hope there is hope in my future, because several South Florida Hospitals and Doctors failed on several occasions to find the cause of my ongoing medical problems which has lasted for a long period of time, basically putting my life on hold. How can a person live their life not knowing, if they may end up in the hospital at any time?

So trying again to re-qualify for somebody’s healthcare insurance, I’ve been fighting to stay healthy and alive, while continually fighting the Government, State, and Local Healthcare agencies for fair and proper healthcare for all human beings! Politicians are supposed to protect the health, safety and well-being of American citizens, which is not being done, American citizens are dying in the hands of “United States Healthcare, Hell Of A Faulty System.”

Palm Beach County Healthcare District Hell

Back to the Palm Beach County Health Care District, in September 2014 after another E.R. discharge, I contacted the Healthcare District and spoke with the customer service department. This is when the agent stated, since my case was already closed, they would re-send me new paperwork to my mailing address to re-apply.

After 2 months the application never arrived, when calling to check the CSR states they have nothing to do with mailing the applications, and it’s best I come in, this was 3 weeks later! Needless to say I was furious! So I went in and I was told since I only had a mailing address and was homeless, I needed to show proof of my homelessness and needed a Homeless Declaration form filled out from a agency proving so, this form was filled out the very same day as per request.

After visit two and turning in all paperwork, a few days later I called the Healthcare district to check the status of my application, which I thought would be immediately re-activated, being that I was homeless and just previously covered the following year from 2/2013- 3/2014, only lapsing a few months which nothing changed besides more hospital and ER visits. I couldn’t understand the problem, when the Healthcare District had numerous medical bills from my recent previous 6 surgeries and multiple hospital visits, and prescriptions from the prior year 2013 when I was insured.

On 10/14/2014, I spoke with the customer service department for the Healthcare district who preceded to tell me I was not approved yet because their system mysteriously, now showed I owned a business! “Needless to say, I hit the roof!” This was totally wrong and crazy being that I’d just given them a ‘Homeless Declaration Form’ proving my homelessness, and the Healthcare District billing department surely should have medical proof in their systems of many medical bills from coverage 2/2013 – 3/2014, are you serious.

Please tell me how in the world could I own a business, when they knew good and well I’ d been hospitalized and undergoing life-threatening surgeries since 12/2012 when my doctors office initially called them to let them know I needed immediate surgery. Very frustrated I called to speak with the west palm beach area coordinator, to talk about why all of a sudden after being covered for a year and not even a few months lapsing time I now own a business? I explained to her I needed immediate health coverage to be seen and treated for a lump in my breast and other medical conditions dating back from the prior year.

The area coordinator stated, I needed to write a letter stating that I didn’t have a business that never existed! I asked her why in the world would I have to do that, when I gave them a homeless declaration form proving being homeless, along with them having proof of me being hospitalized and under doctors care since 2012, I’m sure the county has paid numerous amounts of medical bills on my behalf from 2/2013 – 8/2014 where I underwent 6 surgeries and was hospitalized numerous times. The area coordinator didn’t want to hear anything I stated, and told me to bring in the letter, or not be approved and hung up the phone. I thought wow, my life is in her hands!

America this has been a medical nightmare I wish upon no human being. I still have no medical insurance and a untreated lump in my breast that could be cancerous, along with having other related life-threatening reproductive health medical problems. In the meantime, I’m being unnecessarily taken through the ringer by the Healthcare District of Palm Beach County!

In my own defense to save my life from possible cancer, I’m writing this for all eye’s to see what’s currently occurring to women and many citizens in America due to a broken healthcare system involving political bureaucracy!

Please realize if this is happening to me, how many others is this happening too? Lives are precious and should not be put through such red tape especially when a citizens life is in danger, and they’ve been in the system a year and few months prior. At this moment my life sits in the hands of a woman at the Healthcare district, I don’t know! In 5 attempts in contacting the area coordinator again this time leaving several messages, I received no return phone call from the area coordinator.

The Healthcare system flaws is not only Florida based it goes all the way up to Washington, who apparently is missing the boat, if millions of U.S. citizens are still currently uninsured, and facing poverty due to a mis-diagnosed medical trauma’s, that are now haunting America’s healthcare industry. Something and many things are off in United States Healthcare and Automobile industries.

All bets are off, when it comes to saving human lives people deserve the right to proper medical treatment, and proper shelter. These are basic necessities in life to survive. The healthcare system is broken in every facet, insurance, pharmaceutical industry, Agencies, Doctors, etc., All of these agencies are gambling with human lives by not providing the basic necessities a human being needs to survive.

By not providing citizens with the bare living necessities such as quality healthcare, and shelter this a direct violation of humanitarian rights. According to the ACLU 3/2014 – U.N. Holds U.S. Accountable for Human Rights Violations at Home and Abroad
“The United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights,” warned Jimmy Carter in a 2012 New York Times op-ed. Less than two years later, Carter’s warning has been vindicated. Yesterday, the U.N. Human Rights Committee issued a blistering report on the U.S. government’s role in perpetuating injustices both within its borders and abroad.

My once healthy product life has been medically turned upside down in a instant! Yours can be to, so be careful, and watch who you vote for! Ensure that the person your voting for will care totally for you and your families best interest. Now is the time to replace all healthcare killers, who are impacting human lives!

30f95db79f190b711e0bc3b2ce88575bAll leaders, must ensure every American citizen has all basic necessities to live a normal functional, healthy, stable life while on earth! If fair humanitarian treatment isn’t being provided for U.S. citizens, why should citizens pay taxes, or support leaders who don’t care about the well being of a human life?

Freelance Consumer Advocacy

Are U.S. women’s organizations credible

Are the United States women’s organizations credible and helping women?

Women’s organizations are supposed to be there to uplift, support and help women! So are they truly helping Women?

In some ways Yes, and more ways No! Many women in the United States ‘Reproductive Health” is being altered and has become extremely deadly for many U.S. women! Cancer is spreading rapidly in U.S. women and should not to be taken lightly! Why isn’t anyone doing anything to help U.S. women, does a international country need to step in to save the lives of American women?

The current Hobby Lobby and Abortion Issue’s are just the icing on the cake there’s many more  attacks against women brewing behind closed doors, “going unrecognized!”

Astonishingly, although many of these ‘Women’s’ organizations receive public and federal funding, although there hasn’t been one organization or government entity, reaching out to help women in the United States who’s ‘Reproductive Health’ has been impacted in some form or fashion!

Why is that? Do they care? Everyone knows a woman’s reproductive system is part of a woman’s internal organs, and if severely impacted this could cause woman to die, become medically ill, and/or internally diseased.

Involuntary attacks

Women in America are being targeted in every facet imaginable! When it comes to ‘Women’s’ lives, female run organizations, leaders of America and world leaders should surely step up to help women, who’s health is being impacted or has been impacted! Unsupported illnesses and deaths are occurring, is this unimportant?

U.S. families reproductive health is involuntarily being destroyed by Americas corrupt Healthcare system, drugs and products! How is this ethically fair to women in America!

Women are the main back bones of many families! Few realize, if you destroy a mothers health you destroy their children! These children now have a sick or deceased mother, who they can no longer look up to for support and guidance, some may become homeless due to no father being present. A mother ill or deceased puts a huge burden onto family households, siblings, grandparents, government programs and society.

Also, did anyone not bother to think that U.S. women’s reproductive health personal traumatic stories could help sway laws, and protect millions of other women around the world! Or are they politically keeping these stories private, fearing backlash by the female population?

It’s been hard to figure out the past 3yrs. why women led organizations, government healthcare agencies, doctors, lawyers, hospitals, healthcare agencies, and women leaders have mysteriously chose to ignore the many stories being communicated by U.S. women speaking out about there personal ‘Reproductive Health” trauma’s in America!

Do Women’s Life’s Matter

Do their stories and lives not matter? If this is the case many women in America need to re-think who really has there back! Do these organizations, leaders, agencies truly deserve our support in the U.S.?

Women speaking up like myself, and lawsuits being filed by thousands of women, will help change laws and bring awareness to other women around the world! Women matter in the world, and we all need to start acting like we matter or men will continue treating us like we are less deserving!

So why wouldn’t Women leaders want to help and ask women questions about there ‘Reproductive Health trauma’s, and that ‘s if there still alive, many have unfortunately died due to reproductive health complications?

Does the credibility of Women’s organizations hold true? If they aren’t even reaching out or acknowledging the same women they vouched to help protect in America, and throughout the world, What is their true purpose?

At this case and point this is not the case! There seems to be a broken link behind Women’s organizations whom are supposed to be there helping support American women who’s reproductive health or health in general has been compromised or currently being altered!

So why aren’t these top women led organizations and leaders not assisting U.S. women crying out for help?

Well one things for sure at least other U.S. women including myself care enough to speak out about there personal trauma’s, to help alert and protect millions of other women?

Women In America Demand Support From U.S. Women Led Organizations & Leaders

It’s time to start speaking out against ‘Women organizations and leaders’ who aren’t supporting or helping the women they vouched to help protect! Supporting women calls for much more besides “Political Bureaucracy,”  and it’s called, “Women’s Health” which is attached to a human life! Which do you think would be more important?

As the owner of CABIRI, and a U.S. woman with reproductive health trauma’s. I’ve personally experienced and dealt with many shortcomings of all these women led organizations and leaders in the past 3yrs. speaking with various organizations, leaders, and agencies, whom all chose to ignore many U.S. women’s voices in America experiencing reproductive health trauma’s due to healthcare corruption!

In my opinion and anyone with common knowledge, knows some businesses are portraying and professing to help fight for and support women, although when it comes to reality it’s a “Tall Tale!”

** Women of America please think about this when you vote!**

Ask yourself, who’s really sincere and cares about you and your families well-being

Thank you for reading and please help CABIRI, spread the word, helping us protect women of the United States from devious planned out attacks via greed, power and corruption!


Consumer Advocacy For America

CABIRI Quote’s:

The root of money is evil – Evil is the root of money – Money is the root of all evil

Americas Deadly Healthcare System

Death’s by Americas Broken Healthcare System – No Accountability

America, has no one realized the current deadly trend in Unired States broken healtcare system? It’s so obvious, why are many choosing to overlook what’s currently occurring in America. The entire ‘Healthcare’ system in America, should be investigated on all levels. The VA, Hopsitals, Corporate Big Pharma, and Healthcare businesses, and leaders should be addressed! They are all related in some form or fashion and impacting milions of human lives causing death’s and deadly medical alterations.

The industry has become, more of a “Cash Cow” many are seeming to pass the buck on, which is and has costs millions of lives in America. Citizens are killing themselves, dying and lives being altered, for the lack of proper medical care in America, all across the board! Why are people turning a “Blind Eye” on this topic! Is it due to it hasn’t happened to YET?

Here’s some examples; Hospitals and Doctors are prescribing deadly drugs to patients, that have been deemed dangerous and life-threatening, or may cause multiple side-effects that can kill them, or the drug may alter another part of their body which in return, they now need another drug to fix that problem, now you have multiple mixed chemicals brewing inside your body, which could cause many other problems, which could go on forever, the more drugs your prescribed the worse you get! Which is insane!

The next problem, is if you have no ‘Medical insurance’ doctors and hospitals are refusing to see patients, and local clinics are so overwhelmed there is a long waiting list even to be seen. Then once you finally get in the ‘Doctors’ only put a band-aid on your medical issue, and prescribe you yet again a drug that may worsen your problem or even kill you, then the doctor tells you to come back months later. Which by that time you could be dead or your medical problem may have become even more severe!

The next issue, is the ‘Clinical Testing’ of many pharmaceutical products/drugs in America by Big pharma! Clinical testing in America, is being fudged, and the FDA are approving many fraudulant clinical tests! America there’s been recent stories stating Scientist, Doctors and Big Pharma Corporations are doing so, which are killing citizens, children and pets. All drugs do not work for all people, especially for different gene make-ups, ethnicities, children, and adults.There are many mixed breeds of citizens in America just like dogs, so how in the world can they truly say one drug will work for all human beings! This is so untrue, and false! Although, Big Pharma, FDA, NIH, Doctors, and Scientist in America are getting away with this type of chemically induced imbalance in the United States, which is kiling and impacting  millions of human lives! This can’t continue to happen, and all of them should be held accountable for their actions! If they know something is dangerous, why in the heck would they prescribed or approve it, for a human being to put into their body and kill them or give them another disease. This is inhumane, unethical, and down right murder!

My next topic, is about the VA system that has been covered up, just as the entire Healthcare Industry in America! Many veterans currently are being told that they can not be seen for 6 months or more. Some of these veterans may need serious psychiatric care, and from known knowledge from my father who is a Veteran, states these psychiatric patients are being denied treatment and appointments, so they go right outside in the VA parking lot and kill themselves. Are you serious America, these are the men and women who have fought and protected you and your family, and it seems no gives a ‘hoot’ about them! This shows no respect for Americas protectors!

Another, problem that many are missing the boat on is, how can you ask a “Foreign Doctor” to treat a patient who has just come from fighting a war over in a “Foreign Country” many Veterans are very disturbed by this fact! It’s like fighting against Japan, Germany, Afghanistan, Iraq or Vietnam, and you come back to United States too only be medically treated by one of these nationalities. This makes no sense and a major problem in America, and many veterans are taking notice of this and do not like it! It’s like a slap in the face for going to war to protect your country for what, to only come back home to the same foreign people who now are medically treating you! Which they do have a valid point! Also, note many veterans young and old are coming back with ‘Cancer” due to toxic chemicals, medications and gases being sprayed in the air due to war!

Now let’s talk about the VA facilities, I personally have a 70yr. old father who has to drive a hour and a half to two hours away just to get treated or tested for specific severe medical problems. Which makes no sense, when there is a Military Base and VA Facility 5 minutes from his house. This was the reasoning he moved close, due to his “Cancer” and other severe medical problems caused by war! This makes me so upset as his daughter! He also can’t get the proper medication, without going through excessive “Red Tape!” He was told by a ‘VA Doctor’ to go get his medication over-the-counter, which also is a problem, this may not be the same prescribed medication, or a generic version they do not have at the VA! Then in they return fault the patient for taking the over the counter medication, which now has caused the veteran irreversible medical problems. America, there is no way all of this should be occurring! Every real human being with a heart should be upset this is happening in America!

Another, issue that has caused a problem, is the Government and VA Hospitals, and Doctors are telling many Veterans if they can’t get an immediate appointment, to go see outside doctors. Which also is a major problem, once they finally get to see a VA hospital doctor, that doctor many not agree with the outside doctors findings, and medications prescribed, so now mis-diagnosis comes into play. In my father’s instance, the outisde doctor stated, he had diabetes and needed insulin, then the VA doctor appointment months later stated, he did not have diabetes and did not need insulin, although by that time, he’d been already been taking the insulin shots, which he also had to pay for himself, due to the fact the VA did not have the type of medication and needles he’d been prescribed by the outside doctor. Also outside doctors do not want to see Veterans, due to the fact the Government takes to long to pay them for their services! What a debacle America!

These men fought for America, and this is how them and their family members are being treated, I as his daughter have to go through this with him along with dealing with my own personal medical trauma’s caused by Americas Healthcare Industry, and no one cares, in the Good Ole U.S. Government, and this includes State, and Local leaders who are not offering any type of support! If you die you die in America! What a joke and a embarrassment to be a American Citizen!

 America sorry, to be the bearer of bad news, this is too protect you and your family members! Many Government leaders, Big Pharma Corporations, Doctors, Scientist, FDA, NIH, and all other Healthcare leaders are ‘Covering up’ many issue’s in Americas Healthcare system and keeping it from the American people, while death’s and life alterations continue, so it’s very important we all know what’s truly going on behind closed doors! Also, realize this is a form of ‘Eugenics Theory’ to depopulate Americas society, and ‘Economical Warfare’ attacks against millions of citizens of America! These are all planned out tactics! Ask yourselves, why isn’t anyone being held accountable in America? If you murder someone it shouldn’t matter what type of ‘Business’ you own, or what type of ‘Job’ you have, you are just as responsible, as anyone who kills someone on the street! A life is a life, and no other human being has the right to take another persons life due to Greed, Money or Power control!

America, thank you for reading all of CABIRI’s writings! If you could please continue to support me in any form or fashion, I’d greatly appreciate it! I’m reporting my findings, research and personal experiences to save lives, so if my knowledge and findings means anything to you or your family members, you could help support CABIRI, to continue to keep up the fight in helping save lives in America, against corruption looming all throughout our country! I’m honestly not sure how long I can keep this up without any support and will be a very sad being that I have people from all over the world currently reading my articles. I also one day would like to start my own, YouTube News Channel, to support my writings and research! America I believe we are all in this world one time, and no one has the right to take that away from any of us, and I’m here to help fight and protect those who can’t!


Freelance Business Research and Writing







Cannabis is not Toxic

 Cannabis, was put on this earth for a reason – It’s a plant from the earth! 

Just like any other natural plant, or natural habitat like the ocean, was put on earth for a reason, for human beings to utilize. So why is this plant a crime? It doesn’t kill you, it’s actually helping people! So does this mean the other human beings don’t want other human beings to use a plant that comes from the earth? This is baffling, when many fruit, vegetables, cotton and other things are produced by plants that come from the earth! So what is wrong with a plant that can help cure human beings? Why are people preventing this from occurring! This is no dangerous than man-made pharmaceutical drugs/pills, injections etc., which are chemicals made by other human beings “You don’t know”, they are mixing chemicals together to hopefully cure you!

America realize back in B.C. era, people lived off the land and earth they didn’t have other human beings supplying chemically mixed drugs to them, they found a plant from the earth or some type of other natural remedy to cure themselves and their families.

In Jamaica and America, there is a plant called “Cerasse” which is a natural antibiotic and used as toxic body cleanser, many Jamaicans use this plant for illnesses. See article: http://www.leviticus11.com/cerasse.htm

 This little plant or vine grows all over the place, and can be picked boiled and drank! Cannabis is no different! People eat food grown from the earth, humans like the beautiful natural flowers and tree’s that sprout out from the earth! In countries where seasons change you’ll see natural nature changing each season, summer, spring winter/fall, showing different types of nature growing every season! These changes occur for a reason for humanity!  

America, let’s not forget many animals eat grass grown from the earth, dogs eat it to settle their tummy’s, so this shows even animals have found a medical use of their own, is anyone trying to stop them from eating grass to make them feel better?  Even cows eat grass! So why is “Cannabis” being deemed a toxic plant?” It’s not killing people, like alcohol does, which is much worse, and can impair people totally beyond control, and that’s legal and man-made! All people need to realize that “Cannabis” is a plant from the earth, and any human being should be able to use anything that grows from the earth, especially if it will help save their lives! Did anyone ever stop to think, maybe it was put on earth to grow for just that reason! 

 Seeds grow for a reason, it’s not up to men to say if it’s illegal or not, that decision was made when it started growing from the earth long ago! Men did not make “Cannabis, it’s always been on the earth, just like anything else that grows, It’s no different than, ‘oceans and rivers’ which have fish and sharks in them for a reason; all types of ‘tree’s grow for a reason’ and the, ‘sun shines for a reason’ and it, ‘rains, or snows.’ for a reason! 

These are all natural producers of the earth! Plants are no different! Which would you prefer in your body; A man-made chemistry project or a known safe plant from the earth that is known for helping fight off diseases and could cure you?Image


Thank you for reading and supporting CABIRI, 

Consumer Advocacy and Business Research For America

“Helping to save lives”

Please also visit: 

Website: http://www.consumer2savlives.com

Twitter: @ Kaila truths

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaila.truths

Americas Big Pharma Chemistry Projects

America, please realize that, not only is Big Pharma mixing drugs in the prison system for 

executions, there’s more going on behind the med-pushers of America!

The execution botching is monstrous and inhumane, how can you give a drug to someone you,

yourself do not know if it’s going to work or not (What kind of Doctor or Medical Team, Scientist are you?)!

They don’t even know what type of side-effects, or life-altering bodily damage is going to happen to the person!


This is very scary America, the exact same thing is occurring in the International Pharmaceutical Industry in America, and many of our “so called,” American Health Organizations, are turning a blind-eye!

How can these leaders as American Citizens, allow other human beings to gamble with millions American families lives! Aren’t they

concerned it could be the one of their family members one day?

Just in the case of the “Botched Executions,” their families now have to live with the fact, that technically their family member died a crucial

death since the execution concoction didn’t work out for them, the poor men had to suffer painfully before their death! Is this humane? Is it okay

for Big Pharma to use unsafe experimental drugs on human beings? Who is protecting Americans from all of these new “Toxic Chemicals?”

Botched Oklahoma execution leaves inmate writhing on gurney


Note: Americas International Big Pharma corporations are using American Citizens as “Guinea Pigs,” to test out

their Newer, 2nd and 3rd Generational chemical toxins, they are concocting together and putting onto market

as safe products approved by FDA and NIH! Americans are doomed to die! 

These same concoctions be it prison or freedom, they are causing deaths or life – altering occurrences, such as

a heart-attack in the “botched execution!” Look at the patterns and series of events which proves “Big Pharma” has

been experimenting in chemistry class for quite some time in America! 




Freelance Business Research Reporting

Website: http://www.consumer2savlives.com

Twitter: @Kaila Truths

Consumer Advocacy Business Industry Research & Investigations – CABIRI


Industry: Pharmaceutical & Agriculture News
Business: Bayer AG – Monsanto

Business information this week will be advertised freely, all information after December 20th, 2013 will be based upon consumer request. The format will be a power point news presentation for easy viewing and convenience to review important business investigations & research news pertaining to the specific corporation or industry request. Information is for consumer corporation business knowledge operating in the United States and Abroad!


Current Highlight – Germany Agricultural and Pharmaceutical Business Industry Connection

 Many government agencies has somehow missed the boat, by not overseeing mergers and business purchases made by corporations and private businesses. With no governmental monitoring there are several international business industry owners who seem to be “Keeping it in the family!”

  Many consumers may not know that U.S. German Bayer AG (Holding Company) entered a series of cross-licensing agreements with Monsanto in the early part of 2013.  This would make Monsanto a German based business not American! With the cross-licensing agreement Bayer AG (Headquartered in Germany), Limited company Bayer Crop Science will acquire the business aspects of Monsanto and it’s subsidiary a independent German family owned business, KWS SAAT AG.  See Below Diagram


Global Business Industry Impact

Monsanto – Global Industry Impacts


Industries: Chemical, Agriculture, Biotechnology


Controlling Markets:

Crops, Laundry Detergents, Pesticides, GM Food, Insecticides, GM Seeds, Led (light emitting diodes), DDT, Agent Orange, Synthetic Fibers, Herbicides, Bt Cotton (India), Cotton (Acquired by Bayer AG. U.S.) Gm Plants, Sulfuric Acid, Polyurethanes, Acetic Acid, AstroTurf, rBGH (Bovine Growth Hormone),  Nucleus Herds, & Industrial Bio-Testing, Plant Biotechnology, Pig Genetics, Semen, Nuclear Weapons, Various Pharmaceutical Drugs (Celebrex – L-dopa),Chiral Compounds, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), RoundUp Ready Alfalfa (RRA), Bollgard I Cotton and Many more not listed


Monsanto Sold Markets:

Animal Genetics Sold – (2009) U.S. (Privately Held) Newsham Genetics  – Swine Genetics

Subsidiary of: Group Grimaude (France) – Multispecies Genetics Supplier largest in North America

Cotton Division Sold – (2009) Partner Bayer Crop Science –  (Subgroup of Bayer AG of Germany)



Partnerships – Mergers & Affiliations


Major Corporations & Privately Owned Businesses

Newsham Genetics – UK & U.S.

Grimaud, Bucolica Bv ( Netherlands financial group holds majority interest in Newsham)

Rattle Row Seghers – European formerly know as; Seghers Genectics NV – (Belgium)

RA – SE Genetics & Elita Ltd. – Ukraine 

D & F Afxentiou – Belgium

Syngenta – Switzerland

Many international business partners: Europe, India, China, Ukraine, Belgium, Switzerland & Canada


United States & Global Affiliations

BASF – Dow – Dupont – Mobay – Mound Laboratories – Cargill Seeds – NutraSweet

Pfizer – Americot – Climate Corp. – Seminis – De Ruiter Seeds – Dutch – Hoescht AG

I.G. Farben – Bayer Ag – Bayer Cropscience – Aventis – Solutia Inc., Asgrow

Agracetus – Calgene – Pharmacia – UpJohn – Emergent Genetics, Unilever,

Nexgen – Delta & Pine Ltd – Genetec – Dekalb Genetics, Climate Corp., Phytogen and

Holden Foundation. Numerous GMO patents held by BAYER, BASF & MONSANTO!

Financial Reports can be requested – Cash Value Paid at 3 to 4x’s FMV for many businesses!


Business Issue’s & Concerns

Farming Suicides – False Advertising

Anti – Trust – Generally Modified Corn, Soy Beans, Beets, Wheat, Potato, etc.,

Environmental Damage – Global Protest

Chemical Waste Leakages – Contamination

Patent Violations (Terminator, Patent Swaps) & Lawsuits- Dioxin & Toxic Chemical Spills

Unauthorized Genetically Modified Organisms – Pollution

Deregulations – Various Drug Health Risks

Scientific Misconduct and Fraud – Highly Toxic Fungicides – Maxium or Thirum

Seed Piracy – Crop Failures – Seed Production Child Labor (India)

False Advertising – Bee Killings ( Pesticides-Herbicides) 

Various U.S. & Top High Profile Political Agents & Agencies Monsanto Supporters

Defending Farmer Lawsuits against U.S. Farmers for GM Seeds


Bayer Crop science GM Patents: Maize, wheat, rice, barley, soy, cotton, sugar beet, rape, potatoes, tobacco, tomatoes, grapes – the list of transgenic plants & Many more not listed


Monsanto Global Concerns: – United States, Argentina, Canada, Brazil, India, China, Europe, Haiti, Australia, and Spain


In 2008, the International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD), initiated by the United Nations and the World Bank warned that research and dissemination of knowledge is being restricted by the increasing registration of patents. Especially in developing countries this would prevent locally adapted agricultural practices contributing to food security and economic sustainability.


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  ImageEnd of Report

News By Power Point & Consumer Client Services Negligence – Coming Soon!! 


Email: consumer2savlives@gmail.com


Consumer Advocacy Business Industry Research and Investigations

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