Is there any American law where an American Citizen can blow the Whistle on international countries without starting a war! Or is United States government afraid too hear the true facts concerning past presidents who’ve allowed the chain of events to occur in America. There are many facts out there proving fraud, conspiracy and espionage by several international countries. Why is the United States government allowing these international countries’ to continue on with their operations? Do they get a Free Pass? Is it OK for these international countries to continue impacting American families? Why isn’t the American government, Homeland Security, FBI, Interpol, and NSA not stopping the international predators who’s killed and threatened many American citizen lives, plummeted America’s economy in the dumps, bringing disparity, poverty, homelessness, job loss, financial, and destructive economical chaos!

 The disturbing factor is the American population, including government officials family members are targets. One would think the United States government would want to protect their own families’ from these international predators causing havoc in America. Their families and children lives aren’t exempt from being targeted! Does the American government not care about the safety of their own family and the American People? The international culprits do not care about, what type of job you have, or what type of position you hold, you are an American and they want you out of the way, for their population control tactic, eliminating as many Americans and other races as they can, too gain control of the American population. Every American is being targeted in a discreet way the government does not want the public to know, the international activity is very disturbing and could possibly cause chaos in America. If it takes a Whistle blower too end the international disaster in America, than so be it, something must Be Done! The truth must come out so American citizens can defend themselves and protect their families.

 It seems America has become blindsided by all the immigrants here in the United States. Many wealthy and non-wealthy counter partners have hidden agenda’s in our country and the American Government is allowing these predators to continue on with the monstrosities in America causing havoc for every American Citizen. The culprits have caused a chain of events America is struggling to fix. The mystery can’t be solved if you don’t find the “Root Cause” of the problem! Only when the culprits are brought to the forefront, America can start repairing and rebuilding.

  America, by previously catching the Russian Spy’s, 911 bombing criminals and many other foreign threats against American citizens, America is not clear from International predators? This is far from the truth America is truly in grave danger! As a “Consumer Advocate for the American people,” it’s a humanitarian duty to report the real truth!  The United States government is ignoring the facts and not communicating to the American people details concerning their health, safety and well being. If lives are being impacted this information can not remain secretive, the NSA spying debacle hasn’t caused harm to lives, the information not being told concerns deadly results for the American people which outweighs spying!

 The Whistle-blowers facts show the predators are targeting American men, women and children, focusing mainly on women, children and the elderly. The NSA and the American spying are all a conspiracy and a distraction from the real problem. Information was provided to the United States government proving international conspiracy in America; in October 2013 a 150 pg. Whistle blower document marked urgent was sent directly to the White House on Pennsylvania, Ave. to the Attention of Barack Obama. After 3 days a call was placed to the White House verifying arrival of the package, which was received and signed for by a White House staff member by the initial and last name of M. Naldo.  After a month’s time another call was made, the 2nd call a switchboard operator White House staff member, stated mail goes through security analysis before being distributed, and the White House receives approximately 30,000 pieces of mail a day. So the Urgent 150 pg. Whistle blower document sits in a needle in a haystack of mail, awaiting security check. In the meantime, American families are in jeopardy, how frustrating this has been for the American Whistle blower. Another call 3rd, was placed to the White House concerning the 150 pg. Whistle blower package this call was transferred to the Deputy Clerks office to be transferred again to Senator Harkins office at the White House, who’s intern stated to send a correspondence via email to him, the email provided by the intern was incorrect.  Moving forward the Whistle blower filed a report with the CIA, Homeland Security, (Obama’s) Organizing for Action organization, and many other Senate offices and numerous call attempts too many other agencies including Whistle blower Law offices.

 Now 2014! It’s disturbing and disheartening for the International Whistle blower, as a current International “Economical Warfare” looms in American the United States government is brushing a crisis such as this off like its nothing and the international predators are allowed to continue affecting American lives. Does the United States government not care about American people and their families? In their silence the predators continue to do more damage, and the damage has previously been set in motion decades ago and now escalating on American soil very discreetly. Profoundly an American International Whistle blower holds the key, to the pattern of chain of events currently occurring in America brought on by the international predators. Does the United States government not want to fix, or communicate to the American people what these International predators are doing in America? The international predators have an exclusive; discreet pattern to their method of madness and is very complicated and lengthy, the patterns has been put together by a American Whistle blower over a period of time dating back decades, up too the current economic crisis in America.

 The International Whistle blower is a American Born Business Professional with Military roots, and would like to protect their country at home and not run off like Snowden to another country, The American – International Whistle blower wants too protect “America,” and American citizens, on there own territory, not venture off to another country to report America’s current Economical Warfare Crisis, that would make no sense if you are a American Citizen.

 The international culprits are endangering American lives and must be put in the forefront; so America can move forward from the corruption, conspiracy and economical warfare and start rebuilding the American Dream Again! The current news and media reports to fix the economic crisis in America, is not bringing the true international predators to justice!

 If you would like to speak with the International – Whistle blower please email contact information: to schedule an interview.

 Freelance Editor,

CABIRI Consumer Advocacy Business Industry Research and Investigations 


Related Whistle blower video’s 

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things’ –

‘Dollar valueless, about to crash’ – World Bank whistleblower –

‘US citizen has no right to free speech?’ State Dept spokesperson grill –

Whistle Blower Threatened with 35 Years in Prison, Warns of Developing –

 The Truthseeker: US civil war is coming (E22) –

Whistleblowers being demonized in the US? – Image