Florida Governor Against Women


America, as being a Florida resident and a woman, the below article should run chills up every woman’s spine! When the below information was communicated by, “Florida’s Upcoming Governor Charlie Christ” campaign organizers, this was a nostalgic moment as a women! Couldn’t believe it! Mr. Rick Scott of Florida, is has the nerve to want to tell “Women” what to do with their bodies!

Read Below America, see what this “Man” in power position feels he can do to human beings!  

Rick Scott signed (anti-choice bills) that opened the door to (government interference) between a (woman and her doctor) — and then threw a party at the governor’s mansion to celebrate their passage. He also vetoed $1.5 million from the state’s budget for rape crisis prevention centers.

Link: http://www.charliecrist.com/community/women-for-charlie


Rick Scott wants to take us back to the days when women were charged more for health insurance, just for being women. If Scott has his way, basic pieces of women’s health and well-being – like affordable contraception, cancer screenings, and preventive care – will cost more.

America, this is a tragedy someone like this “Man-Another-Human-Being,” has the audacity, to pass bills concerning “Women’s Reproductive Health, and Well-Being! Are you really joking! 

Everyone please realize, ‘Men’ are not “Women” and have no clue what their bodies need or endure on a daily basis! So how can any “Man” have a ‘say so about’ what a woman needs medically! Ask, any man has he given “Child Birth,” or does he know what it feels like, or does he know what a ‘Woman’s body feels like as the ‘Fetus’ is growing inside of him? How can “Men make decisions for Women?” Here’s another fantastic question for “Men” have you ever had a “Menstrual Cycle?” So how in the world can you make a decision for a woman, when you have no idea what she medically needs or how she truly feels, when bodily changes are occurring!

This is the craziest misconstrued thing ever! Men have no clue about “Women,” Mentally, Physically or Medically, so why is “Society” allowing men to pass laws, make toxic pharmaceutical products for women’s bodies, when they have “No Clue” about women at all! Believe that every “Woman’s” body make-up is different and unique, in many nationalities, what may apply to one woman, may not apply to the next woman and it varies by race and culture! America, are men saying they know about every woman’s body on earth and are for certain about women’s internal organs and what they need?

Women of America, and all over the world, this has to “Stop!” There is no way reasonably possible, for a man to be telling women what there body needs! Also, has anyone really stopped to think, “Why is it all about women, Why is the world so focused on Women?” Are men Inferior or God’s leaders in the world! Why isn’t society, targeting men, and all of their draw backs! What about their Mental, Physical and Medical issue’s! Do you see anyone telling men, what they can do with their bodies, or passing legislative bills? 

America, how fair is it really, for men to make crucial life-altering body ‘Medical’ decisions, for Women when they have no clue about women? The body and gene make up is totally different, so how would a man know what’s best for a woman’s body? Also another point to be made, didn’t men get birthed by a “Woman” their Mothers? Guess it’s fair to say “All men know what there own Mother body needs! 

Think about this America, including men, ask yourselves some of the above questions! The conclusion should be a valid point that has been made and addressed, this should not be occurring! Only women, should be making decisions about “Women’s Reproductive Health,” Not Men such as; Florida’s Governor Rick Scott! Maybe this is why there are so many “Homeless Women and Children in Florida! America, everyone should see some men have no respect for women, which many forget their mothers are included in the equation!   


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